Over the course of this campaign I will be working hard to meet as many voters as possible and attend as many community events as I can. I hope to see you out there!
Upcoming events with Bram Kleppner & Tiff Bluemle
Thursday, Nov 7 : Ward 6 Neighborhood Planning Assembly
SD Ireland Building, 391 Maple St, rm 206, 6:30pm to 8:30pm.
Saturday, Nov 9 : Coffee with Tiff and Bram
Join Tiff and Bram at Speeder & Earl's on PIne Street from 8am to 10am. Everyone is welcome!
Thursday, Nov 21 : Ward 5 Neighborhood Planning Assembly
Community dinner at 6:30pm, meeting at 7:00pm. 645 Pine St.
Week of December 2nd: Zoom Cafe
Stay tuned for details!
Past events
June 3: Chittenden County Democrats 2024 Kick-off!
Join Howard Dean, Julie Hulburd, and friends and neighbors at the St. Johns Club at 6pm on Monday, June 3rd, for the county Dems kick-off event. Details and registration at
June 12: Thomas for Vermont Launch Event
Join us as we help Thomas Renner launch his campaign for Lieutenant Governor! The event is at 5:30pm on June 12th at the Rogue Rabbit at 9 Center St. in Burlington. Just show up, or register at
June 18: Vermont's Climate Action Plan 2025 Update Kick-off Meeting
Event is 5:30pm to 7pm online. You can register at
Thurs, June 20: South End Sit Down with Police Chief Jon Murad
Meeting is in the Sunset Room at Hula, 50 Lakeside Ave, from 8:00am to 9:00am.
Thurs, June 20: Ward 5 NPA meeting
Meeting is at Burlington Public Works, 645 Pine St, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Free dinner at 6:30pm, meeting starts at 7pm.
Wednesday, June 26: Meeting of Burlington Democratic Committee
In addition to other Burlington Democratic party business, Burlington's Democratic candidates will be offering brief introductions of themselves. 6pm to 8pm, Fletcher Free Library, Pickering Room
Thursday, July 4: Wardsboro 4th of July Parade and Street Fair
In keeping with a lifelong tradition, Bram will be celebrating the 4th with extended family and friends in Wardsboro. Street Fair starts at 9am, parade at 10am.
Monday, July 8: Vermont Climate Council meeting
All Climate Council meetings are open to the public. Meeting will be held virtually, from 11am to 2pm. For details on how to join, click here .
Saturday, July 13: Coffee with Bram
Join Bram at Speeder & Earl's on Pine St from 8am to 10am to share your concerns and questions. Stop by on your way to the Farmers Market!
Monday, July 15: Candidates Forum with Tiff Bluemle, Dale Azaria, Larry Lewack & Bram.
Catch it live on CCTVVT at 5:25pm on Monday, July 15th. You can watch it on Town Meeting TV on Comcast 1087 | BT 17 / 217 / 317 | YouTube |
Wednesday, July 17: South End Mayor Meet Up with Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak
Meeting is at Zero Gravity at 716 Pine St, from 8:00am to 9:00am.
Thursday, July 18: A Conversation with Melissa Jacoby
Join State Treasurer Mike Pieciak and Melissa Jacoby to discuss her book "Unjust Debts" about how bankruptcy perpetuates inequality in the US. Event is at 5:30pm in the Fletcher Room at the Fletcher Free Library, 235 College St.
Saturday, July 20: Ward 5 Block Party: "Safer Streets"
Ward 5 isn't having its usual Neighborhood Planning Assembly meeting for July or August, but they are throwing a block party on Locust St, next to Callahan Park between Caroline and Charlotte Streets. Free food, games, and discussion on making streets safter for pedestrians and bikers.
Saturday, July 20: Coffee with Bram
Join Bram at Speeder & Earl's on Pine St from 8am to 11am to share your concerns and questions. Stop by on your way to the Farmers Market!
Monday, July 22: Vermont Conservation Voters Candidate Forum
Probably the only live forum of the primary season! This event is free and open to everyone. It will be from 6:30pm to 8pm, in the Isthmus Room at Hula at 50 Lakeside Ave.
Wed, July 24th: Plaque dedication in Medford, MA, on Amelia Earhart's Birthday.
Bram will be one of the featured speakers, along with Massachusetts Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll, Medford Mayor Breanna Lungo-Koehn, and Chair of the Eastern New England Ninety-Nines, Beth Young. Event starts at 1:30pm at 76 Brooks St, Medford, MA.
Saturday, July 27: Coffee with Bram
Join Bram at Speeder & Earl's on Pine St from 8am to 11am to share your concerns and questions. Stop by on your way to the Farmers Market!
Friday, August 2nd: Bram's mom's 93rd birthday! This one is a private event, but if you want to send her a birthday greeting, send it to and I'll pass it along :)
Saturday, Aug 3: Coffee with Bram
Join Bram at Speeder & Earl's on Pine St from 8am to 11am to share your concerns and questions. Stop by on your way to the Farmers Market!
Saturday, Aug 3: New North End Gathering with Thomas Renner & Abby Duke
It's outside our South End district, but this event is a great opportunity to meet Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor Thomas Renner and Rep. Abby Duke from the northern part of Burlington. Event is at the Butter Bar & Kitchen at 1127 N. Ave at 2pm.
Wednesday, Aug 7: Chittenden Dem Candidates Meet & Greet
Join multiple Chittenden County Democratic candidates from 5pm to 7pm at the RICHMOND FREE LIBRARY.
Saturday, Aug 10: LAST Coffee with Bram before the primary!
Join Bram at Speeder & Earl's on Pine St from 8am to 11am to share your concerns and questions. Stop by on your way to the Farmers Market!
Tuesday, Aug 13: Primary Election Day!!!
Bram & team will be at Edmunds & Burlington Electric to cheer you on as you vote :)
Saturday, September 21: First Coffee with Tiff & Bram
Join Tiff & Bram at Speeder & Earl's from 8am to 10am on Saturday 9/21 on your way to or from the Farmers Market.
Monday, September 23: Town Meeting TV Candidates Forum
Tune in to catch Tiff & Bram discuss the issues with Town Meeting TV from 6pm to 7pm
You can watch on the Town Meeting TV YouTube channel, or live on Burlington Telecom 217 and Comcast 1087, or watch live:
Also, you can call in with your questions: 802-862-3966. Looking forward to the conversation!